2003 Awards 


The following award winners were determined at the Society's AGM in 2003 


J.M.Kilburn - Cricket Writer of the Year

Not awarded

Jack Fingleton - Cricket Commentator of the Year

Not awarded

Brian Sellers - County Captain of the Year

Chris Adams (Sussex)

C.B.Fry - Young Cricketer of the Year

Graeme Smith (South Africa)

George Spofforth - Cricketer of the Year

Mushtaq Ahmed (Sussex)

Arthur Wood - Wicket-keeper of the Year

Geraint Jones (Kent)

Les Bailey - Yorkshire's Most Promising Youngster

Michael Lumb

Learie Constantine - Best Fielder in the NatWest Trophy Final

Jonty Rhodes (Gloucestershire)

Ted Umbers - Services to Yorkshire Cricket

Geoff Holmes & Vivian Stone (Headingley fundraising bookstand) 


2004 Awards 


The following award winners were determined at the Society's AGM in 2004 


E.H.Umbers Services to Yorkshire Cricket

Posthumously awarded to Jack Sokell MBE

Denis Compton Memorial Award for Flair

Andrew Flintoff

Jack Fingleton Cricket Commentator of the Year

Geoffrey Boycott OBE

Brian Sellers Captain of the Year

Michael Vaughan

C.B.Fry Young Cricketer of the Year

Ian Bell

George Spofforth Cricketer of the Year

Andrew Strauss

Les Bailey Promising Young Young Yorkshire Player

Joe Sayers

Learie Constantine Best Fielder in the C&G Trophy Final

Mike Hussey (Gloucestershire)

Arthur Wood Wicket-keeper of the Year

James Foster

Dr Taylor Best Performance in Yorkshire/Lancashire Matches

Michael Vaughan

J.M.Kilburn Cricket Writer of the Year

Stephen Chalke & Derek Hodgson 

2005 Awards 


The following award winners were determined at the Society's AGM in 2005   


E.H.Umbers Services to Yorkshire Cricket

Yorkshire coach Andrew Watson

Denis Compton Memorial Award for Flair

Keven Pietersen

Jack Fingleton Cricket Commentator of the Year

David Lloyd

Brian Sellers Captain of the Year

Shane Warne (Hampshire)

C.B.Fry Young Cricketer of the Year

Liam Plunkett (Durham)

George Spofforth Cricketer of the Year

Andrew Flintoff

Les Bailey Promising Young Young Yorkshire Player

Katherine Brunt

Learie Constantine Best Fielder in the C&G Trophy Final

Ashley Giles (Warwickshire)

Arthur Wood Wicket-keeper of the Year

Chris Read (Nottinghamshire)

Dr Taylor Best Performance in Yorkshire/Lancashire Matches

Craig White

J.M.Kilburn Cricket Writer of the Year

James Greenfield 

2006 Awards 


The following award winners were determined at the Society's AGM in 2006 


E.H.Umbers Services to Yorkshire Cricket

Dr. Bernard Knowles - services to Yorkshire schools cricket

Denis Compton Memorial Award for Flair

Darren Lehmann (Yorkshire)

Jack Fingleton Cricket Commentator of the Year

Michael Holding

Brian Sellers Captain of the Year

Chris Adams (Sussex)

C.B.Fry Young Cricketer of the Year

Monty Panesar (Northants & England)

George Spofforth Cricketer of the Year

Mark Ramprakash (Surrey)

Les Bailey Promising Young Young Yorkshire Player

Joint winners - Adil Rashid and Mark Lawson

Learie Constantine Fielder of the Year (renamed Award)

Martin van Jaarsveld (Kent)

Arthur Wood Wicket-keeper of the Year

Steven Davies (Worcestershire)

Dr Taylor Best Performance in Yorkshire/Lancashire Matches

Mal Loye (Lancashire)

J.M.Kilburn Cricket Writer of the Year

Peter Walker 

2007 Awards 


The following award winners were determined at the Society's AGM in 2007 


Denzil Batchelor Award Services to Cricket

Peter Baxter - TMS producer

E.H.Umbers Services to Yorkshire Cricket

Bob Appleyard

Brian Sellers Captain of the Year

Darren Gough (Yorkshire)

C.B.Fry Young Cricketer of the Year

Adil Rashid (Yorkshire)

George Spofforth Cricketer of the Year

Ottis Gibson (Durham)

Les Bailey Promising Young Yorkshire Player

Adam Lyth

Learie Constantine Fielder of the Year (renamed Award)

Marcus Trescothick (Somerset)

Arthur Wood Wicket-keeper of the Year

Philip Mustard (Durham)

Dr Taylor Best Performance in Yorkshire/Lancashire Matches

Glam Chapple (Lancashire)

J.M.Kilburn Cricket Writer of the Year

David Warner