Wombwell Cricket Lovers’ Society
Data Privacy Policy
Data privacy statement

The Wombwell Cricket Lovers’ Society provides this statement in conformance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, as transposed into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and the Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. This statement informs members of the Society what personal data is held by the Society; the purposes to which the data is put and whether the data is shared with other parties; how a member may see the data which the Society holds about him or her; how a member may exercise the right for the data held about him or her to be erased. The statement also informs users of its website, whether members or not, about the use of cookies on the website.

Personal data held by the Society
By means of a membership application form, which may be a printed form or an electronic version on the website, the Society collects the following data about each member: names, postal address, telephone numbers (landline and/or mobile), email address. Where members choose to pay the annual subscription by Banker’s Order the membership form requires the applicant to provide the name and address of the Bank where the account is held, bank sort code and bank account number.

Purposes to which the data is put
The primary purpose of holding the data is to enable the Society to conduct the basic administration of membership for each member; to enable the Society to send to each member the annual information about the Society’s programme of activities and the Society’s magazine; to enable the Society to communicate with each member as required from time to time. The data is held in electronic form in a membership register by the Society’s Membership Secretary.

Where the member has provided the Society with an email address that address will be added to a group email list so that the Society may communicate regular updates about the Society’s activities, including short notice alterations or cancellations to the published programme. The group email list is maintained by the Society’s General Secretary.

The personal banking details (where provided) are used by the Society’s Treasurer for the purpose of setting up a Banker’s Order with the relevant bank and thereafter destroyed. The Society does not retain personal banking details in respect of any member.
These are the sole purposes to which the Society puts a member’s personal data. The Society does not and will not share, sell or otherwise provide personal data to any person or organisation outside the Society.

Rights of members with regard to personal data

A member may at any time request the Society to provide a copy of the personal data held by the Society about him or her. A member may at any time require the Society to erase, in whole or in part, the personal data held about him or her and to confirm it has been done. Where a member exercises this right it must be understood that the Society will no longer able to administer that member’s account, either in whole or in part, such that the benefits of membership may be curtailed, either in whole or in part.

A member wishing to exercise any of these rights should contact the Society’s Membership Secretary, Mr Andy Jones, 143 Standbridge Lane, Kettlethorpe, Wakefield, WF2 7NN

Use of cookies
The Society’s website uses cookies. Users, whether members or visitors to the site, can find more information on the types of cookies used, as well as enabling individual cookies in their respective categories and adjusting their individual settings, at any time through the link in the footer of the website.
Some cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website and cannot be de-activated. Other cookies allow the Society to analyse the performance of the website and the use being made of website’s pages to assist in improving the content’s appeal. These cookies collect only anonymised data. Further details about the use of cookies can be found through the link in the footer of the website.
The Society’s website does not use any cookies for purposes associated with advertising, marketing or third-party data.

Use of template

The Society’s website uses a template provided by a third-party supplier. The template provides links to a Delivery Policy, a Withdrawal Policy and Terms and Conditions. As these are associated with online sales, which the Society does not offer, these pages are intentionally blank.